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Reflection part 2


Contribution in second group project


For this mini project, I’m still taking the role of editing the website as well as I needs to do the reactor sizing of reactor we used in this project. Basically, I need to confirm that the website is running well and all the hard work done by my teammate are up to that website and can be view nicely. Moreover, I had also been assign to do the mind map for CPDIC on chapter 7, 8, and 9.


Reflection on KRD


Since Dr. Tazli took over KRD since the second half of subject, I think I understand more with his new way of teaching. Although sometimes I need to watch the youtube video over and over a few times to understand it, but I still get something out of it. Besides, all the question that we practice and answer in the class really help me in understanding the chapter better. This question also provide ma as an example of what we are going to deal when we graduate. We had been taught how to select the highest selectivity of reaction, which type of reactor is best suit and etc, but still all these chapters are still require a basic knowledge of the 1st part of this subject that was taught by Dr Suzana. Therefore, revision is still needed in order to understand better in the class.


Reflection on PSLP


Dr. Dzul still teaching in a good way and we manage to understand it during the class. Besides, Dr. Dzul gave us sample question and also assignment right after his has finish teaching that chapter. These questions really help us a lot in understanding the subject as well as strengthen the memory in our mind. During solving the question, Dr. Dzul wills shows us the formula and will roam around the class to give support to those students who don’t understand or has any question.


Reflection on CPDIC


Dr. Haslinda took over the second part of the subject and been teaching good. I did understand better and remember what she taught well. Although Dr. Abbas did great in teaching the first part of CPDIC, I still have some confusion on it. This maybe because to the syllabus in which first part of CPDIC is more about theatrical stuff, like how to derive transfer function while in 2nd part of CPDIC, it is about calculation more. Or, it might because of the 8am class in Monday morning. I really hate the morning 8am class, as my mind hasn’t really wake up and I’m not able to receive or absorb any things that taught during that ‘blur’ time. Therefore, I strongly urge Uni management to reduce the class on 8am or delay the earliest class to at least 9am or 10am. This will definitely help student a lot, I mean like a lot a lot more.


Reflection on second group project


This is the group project that been call as ‘mini project ‘ by Dr. Tazli which I don’t think it is mini at all. At the very first time I read the question, I was stunned by it. But luckily after some discussion with my group mate and also some research done online, we manage to find some article on this. This project is mainly about design a reactor system that will convert waste into wealth. Our entire group member did research and we decide to go with using CSTR as our reactor. We manage to get to understand how biogas and biofuel is made and also a feel on how to design a reactor that will carry out the desire reaction. This definitely will help in our future working life as well as during out intern time.

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